Sailfish Boats has seen an immediate impact and growth spurt since the addition of Rob Parmentier as President and CEO. In recent months, Sailfish has added five new dealers to its list of partners, and Jefferson Beach Yachts Sales (JBYS) is excited to be among them.
Erik Krueger, Jefferson Beach Yacht Sales Vice President, said, “Sailfish is not only a great addition to our current product offering, but it also allows us to target and add new members to the JBYS family.” He added, “With the explosion of growth for the center console and dual console boats, Sailfish fits our needs in an OEM and the customers’ needs in a starter boat or a second boat. Furthermore, we have been working with Rob for five and a half years now, as he also leads Carver and Marquis, and we have experienced first-hand his ability to make a brand its very best – and how awesome he is as a manufacturing partner.”
Sailfish Dealer Partners Create Opportunities
“Our new dealer partners not only fill open markets and opportunities for Sailfish but, too, represent the best in their markets for sales, service, and building customer relationships,” stated Sailfish Boats’ President and CEO, Rob Parmentier. ” The Jeff Beach team rose to become my top Carver dealer world-wide and is the very best choice to fill the territory voids for Sailfish in the Great Lakes.”
Josh Northrop, a lifetime boater and sales professional who joined the JBYS team in 2020, has worked in boat sales for over 17 years and sold Sailfish for the past seven. “First and foremost, the ride and performance of Sailfish always seals the deal, says Josh. “The company has made huge progress over the years in terms of creature comforts, making the model range extremely versatile whether going to the beach, day cruising, or fishing. Sailfish is a spectacular choice with features and performance expected in a higher-end boat brand but delivered at an affordable price point.”
For more than 30 years, Sailfish has expertly engineered and masterfully crafted a premium lineup of boats thoughtfully designed for fishing and water recreation. Their boats have always been designed by boaters for boaters – equipped with more standard features to withstand the rigors of the inshore and offshore environments. Today’s Sailfish acknowledges that owners demand more from their boating investment by offering the premium family, entertainment, and comfort features to complement the brand’s strong fishing heritage.